March District Updates

March District Updates
Posted on 03/31/2023
Kindergarten Registration Website

The 2022-2023 school year is not yet complete, but planning for 2023-2024 is well under way. Kindergarten registration for the upcoming school year is now open. Go to and look for the “early Kindergarten Registration here” link to learn everything you need to know. Follow the link to learn about the process and access the online forms that will get you started. If you have a little one getting ready to join us in our schools, why not get started with the process now? If you have a friend with a qualifying child, please pass the word along.

As you may already be aware, the 2023-2024 school year will include the expansion of the Ridgefield Park Public Schools Pre-K program. This program will be open to 3 and 4 year olds who are 3 years old by October 1, 2023 and are too young to qualify for kindergarten. Space is limited, and inclusion in the program will be based on a lottery system. Winners of the lottery will be contacted through email and advised how to proceed. Please watch our District website for updates on the program and drawing information.

In more district news, we are pleased to announce the recent launch of the Ridgefield Park Public Schools Board of Education YouTube Channel to be found at: This channel has become home to the video records of all public meetings of The Board of Education. It currently contains all such meetings that occurred between July 1, 2022 and March 16, 2023. To receive notifications of new postings, just subscribe to the channel. Future uploads will occur shortly after each meeting. Please allow a few days for the processing and publishing of these records.

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