Preschool FAQs


  1. Must we be residents of Ridgefield Park to participate?
    Yes, all applicants MUST be residents of Ridgefield Park without exception.

  3. What is the length of the school day?
    Preschool students attend a full regular school day for 6 hours. The school year is 182 possible days from September through June. All preschool sites follow the district calendar. Attendance is vital and policies on tardiness and attendance must be followed.

  5. Are there income or other restrictions for free-tuition spaces?
    Tuition is free for our full-day preschool classrooms, regardless of family income. Funding is provided through grant funding called Preschool Education Aid from the NJ Department of Education.

  7. How old does my child have to be in order to attend a district preschool classroom?
    Students must be age 3 or 4 on October 1st of the year in which they begin preschool.

  9. Does my child have to be toilet trained?
    No. If your child is not toilet trained, your child’s teacher will work with you on a plan that is individualized for your child. Toileting is an important part of a young child’s emerging independence. Parents will be required to provide diapers and wipes if needed.

  11. What medical records are required prior to the start of school?
    1. Up-to-date immunizations
    2. Current physical (from within one year’s time)
    3. Proof of a dental visit (no more than 1 yr old)
    4. A flu shot is also required by December 31st of each school year.

  13. What documents do I need to prove residency?
    1. Affirmation of Residency
    2. Own - Deed, Property Tax Records, and/or Mortgage Statement
    3. Rent - Current Lease with Landlord’s contact information OR Landlord Affidavit completed and notarized with Landlord’s contact information
    4. Utility Bill - Must be current.

  15. Is there before and after care for preschool students?
    Once you are offered a spot and you are notified of your placement, you can seek before and aftercare with your location.  For in-district schools, contact [email protected] and for partner sites, contact [email protected] for Ridgefield Cooperative and [email protected] for Little Stars..

  17. Do families get to select preferred locations or are placements assigned?
    No. Placements are assigned by the Ridgefield Park School District. We will use variables to determine placement including, but not limited to, residency, zoning, and where siblings are attending. Depending on the applicant pool, your child may be assigned to any of our participating partner sites or district locations.

  19. If there is a lottery, what happens if I have twins or multiples?
    If one sibling is awarded a spot, the other sibling will also be given a spot. An application for each child will need to be completed.


High Quality Preschool:

  1. What are the class sizes?
    There are a maximum of 15 children in a class.

  3. What is the student:staff ratio? Are all staff fully certified?
    There is one teacher and one teacher assistant for a class of 15 students. All Certified Teachers shall hold a Bachelor’s Degree and, at a minimum, a certificate of eligibility or certificate of eligibility with advanced standing for Preschool through Grade Three certification or other equivalent preschool certification, as set forth in N.J.A.C. 6A:9B et seq. All Teacher Assistants, both new hires and existing staff have, at a minimum, a high school diploma or its equivalent.

  5. What are preschoolers learning throughout the day?
    Teachers use a research based curriculum approved by the NJ Department of Education, Office of Early Childhood. It is aligned to the standards, developmentally appropriate, and supports students in all areas of development. For more information on the program, see our website: Curriculum and Assessment.

  7. Do preschoolers nap?
    Preschool children usually need some amount of rest during the day to provide downtime for their bodies to rejuvenate. Children’s nap schedule will be an hour following lunch.

  9. How do meals work?
    Students will have a block of time for lunch. If families send in meals, we encourage you to use the USDA Food and Nutrition Guidelines.
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